The Hidden Cost of Amazon Same-Day Delivery


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In order to compete with other online retailers, Amazon announced previously this week to provide same-day delivery service in some main cities in North America. The author of the news “Amazon Launches Same-Day Delivery In Toronto And Vancouver” indicates his preference and interests on trying this convenient shipping, whereas, after reading the conditions and terms, I would say it is merely a way to advertise. The constraint time, the expensive shipping fees and the limited supportive area cannot meet most people’s expectation.

When people read the news title on the one-day shipment, it seems pretty nice and attractive. However, if one reads the service terms in details, it shows up like only a few communities can get their goods. In Canada, Toronto and Vancouver are the only two metropolises have the option to choose the fastest shipping method, and only downtown area and some famous communities are in their service area. Besides, an ordinary shipment usually costs $3 to $5 each item, but the same-day delivery costs triple of the price, and additional $5 need to be paid for each more item. The shipping cost is even more expensive than some goods.

It is unquestionable that same-day delivery is so favourable for consumers, but it is not mature enough to really meets the actual demand of the public.




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