Determining Vulnerability Zones

Using the digital elevation model (DEM) I was able to classify the data into four bands and export a shape file to represent each of the vulnerability scenarios. These shapefiles will be useful later in the analysis as I will be able to join attributes to the buildings that fall within their boundaries spatially.

At this point I also created my first map layout which shows areas of special interest. Some areas like Victoria (inset 4) will likely experience major damage in the event of an average storm event and by the end of the century, after a 1m rise in sea level, the vulnerability will be greatly exacerbated.

Areas of particular interest regarding flood vulnerability on PEI


Kernel Density

In order to establish areas of greater vulnerability and visually display them on my final map, I used the spatial analyst tool “kernel density” to highlight ares where there is are groups of vulnerable populations. This tool gives a good sense of the areas of importance, so I will replicate it for each of the four scenarios in the final conclusions phase.

Kernel density analysis of vulnerable buildings to highlight areas of particular interest


Flow Chart

The following flowchart outlines the process I have undertaken to produce the vulnerability density map.

Flow chart describing the process undertaken to create the building vulnerability density map layout

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