RE: More Than a Financial Investment

In response to Zilue Zheng’s blog post,

I believe that college is more than a financial investment.

Though college has the financial benefits you’ve stated, there are other better options if we look purely from a financial perspective. For example oil riggers can make $100,000-$200,000 or more without paying for the cost of college.

However, the experience and exposure you receive from college makes it all worth the time and money. Along with piles of homework and cramming for tests comes the opportunity to make life lasting memories. When you are put in a school of 50,000 bright students you are bound to find interesting people with similar interests. This connects to the point about exposure. Personally, my time in college may have only just started but I have already met incredibly diverse people. In the years to come I hope to make memories worth more than money. I also hope to not only expand my professional network but become acquainted with different people from around the world and learn from them at a personal level.

So yes, Zheng, I believe that college is a good investment.

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