What Kind of Marketing Really Works?

In response to Ashley’s blog, I question the success of marketing just to attract a lot of attention. While I personally love advertisements like Red Bull’s cliff jumping I question the effectiveness of it.

Sure, you can reach a huge amount of people, but does it matter? The people viewing the advertisement are thinking about the content in the ad and not the product. In addition it is useless to advertise to people your product doesn’t apply too. In other words attracting the attention of a million five year old girls when selling power tools may be a lot of attention, but fairly useless.

In my opinion high buzz marketing is only successful when applied in a way that presents your product. An example would be Old Spice commercials. The commercials were un-orthodox, hilarious, creative, and revolved around the product. It worked as well, seeing as sales

for Old Spice increased 107% after the first man-on-a-horse commercial was released.

In conclusion simply creating attracting a lot of attention though probably beneficial, isn’t the best marketing scheme; it is only when the product is the basis of attention can the marketing be successful.

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