Working Abroad

After learning about Arc in class, it made me think about studying abroad. Studying abroad, or getting involved in oversea learning opportunities like Arc sounds like a great idea.

The concept of studying abroad led me to come up with the idea of working abroad. Working abroad is when a company sends a team of innovators to an entirely new culture to live and work for an amount of time depending on different variables. For example, Apple could send 10 employees who volunteer to be sent to Indonesia to develop the next MacBook series. Though the finished product might not be completed in the time they are there, a new idea they can bring home may arise.

The benefits of this are the creation of team cohesion, company moral, attraction of employees who are open to new ideas, and exposure to other cultures to help develop ideas more suitable for other cultures.

The company would aid in travel logistics because the goal is for them to focus on work, not travel.

Companies already spend a lot of money on employee satisfaction, and traveling abroad has been known to have positive advantages for students, so why not combine the two?


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