Foodee, The Disruptive Innovator in Canadian Corporate Catering

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Foodee, a Canadian Corporate Catering company, is completely changing the catering industry with their business model. Ryan Spong, the founder saw that most corporate catering companies were charging exorbitant prices for generic food. Instead of creating a new catering company that provides better food at lower prices, Spong decided to create a catering company that delivers food from top rated small local restaurants straight to the office.

Foodee thrives by allowing restaurants to prepare orders in the slow hours of a business day and delivering the orders to businesses whenever they want them. The business model is beneficial to the restaurants, the catering companies, and the businesses. Companies can choose to order from a variety of different restaurants, which makes repeat ordering easy and exiting every time. Foodee will remember the dietary preferences of companies and pair them with restaurants that meet their needs. This gives Foodee a huge advantage in retaining customers. Foodee gives workers the ability to have food from amazing restaurants while staying in the office and having more time to work or bond as a team.

By combining efficiency and excellence, companies delivering catering from top restaurants may one day drive traditional catering companies out of business. Foodee has already disrupted the corporate catering market and Foodee’s new market may eventually displace this market.


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