Investment Troubles
Upon reading Sunny’s blog, “College: Is It A Good Investment?“, it had me wondering if it is worth investing both my time and money to attend university in order to (hopefully) obtain a high-paying job in the future. Looking at the article from the Financial Post, the staggering amount of money required to pay for post-secondary education plus the student debts that follow after university truly shocked me. On one hand, it is important to examine the fact that most companies nowadays actually require a post-secondary degree for a student to be considered in getting a position within the company. Statistically, people with post-education degrees tend to earn a higher income than those who lack one; thus, one may immediately conclude that university is a good investment.
However, I will argue that although that university is effective in teaching students the tangible knowledge and skills that are useful in an older generation workforce, current work forces now have high demands for students with exceptional communication and application skills — two essential components that I think many students fail to achieve in the midst of obtaining their post-secondary degrees. In reality, I don’t think that a Bachelor’s degree defines one’s capability or intelligence. In fact, it is even quite often to see that people with a Bachelor’s degree is left employed as a result of unmet social skills. In the end, I feel that time investment in meeting such social expectations is also important aspect in obtaining a desirable occupation.