Kiki Magazine Marketing Research Report


Kiki Magazine Marketing Research Report 

According to the overall strategy, Kiki Magazine is aimed at capturing a niche market of girls between ages of 9 to 14. Unlike other magazines target at specific age groups, Kiki’s target market is an age bracket that girls transfer from a youth to teenager. Generally, girls shift their attentions during this period, and they will start paying attention to their own appearance and following fashion trends instead of toys and dolls.

For this complex age bracket, the subscribers’ opinions on each age are equally important; as a result, a focus group or a survey are effectively marketing research strategies to determine the market potential of Kiki. To maintain the reliability of data and participate rate, a focus group will let us learn more about our audience. We need to conduct focus groups on each age, and also another focus group with girls at different ages. This method represents an efficient way to learn how Kiki are actually used in the real life. The panelists’ description will highlight the gaps between each age group, which we can improve in our future publication. In addition, girls’ fashion trend changes year by year, so some new ideas will come out in discussions, which also help Kiki to retain and attract customers.

Kiki faces many challenges and first is about its readers. Because it’s a niche target market, Kiki will lose readers as girls beyond the age and have to attract new customers each year. As a result, the content of magazine will be the key to appeal to readers. Understanding the customers’ needs and the trends at the youth and early teen age will help Kiki to attract more readers. The table of content is the second challenge for Kiki, because of its wide range. It contains all-purpose such as fashion, fun and also education, and how to combine those topics perfectly without conflict is what Kiki should figure out.

Third, the quarterly magazine is easily to be placed by other same purpose magazines. When kids wait for a new Kiki come out, parents may buy other magazines to replace Kiki even though they will still buy Kiki. We will lose the profit and loyalty of those readers. The last but not least, Kiki has a goal to show its profit, but no advertisements will hurt our profit too. Kiki’s philosophy is good that keep the magazine away from commercial; however, the advertisement rate is a big part of magazine’s revenue. The Kiki team may choose a neutral way to present the commercial, such as products review from readers. If Kiki wants to popup its profits, it really should add some advertisements in the magazine.

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