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Archive for October, 2010

I remember there was one question on our midterm that was about Coach sending handbags from it’s rivals to a celebrity. Why would Coach do that? The answer is very simple-Coach thinks the that celebrity does not match with its brand image. In other words, when that celebrity is carrying a Coach handbag, it potentially […]

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If I mention the term “fast food,” what pops up right away? The possible answers include, MacDonald, KFC, Burger King, A&W, and etc.. Here is another question: have you every consider Subway a kind of fast food? If your answer falls on the negative side, I think the position strategy utilized by Subway has succeeded. […]

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I was just reading my friend, Susan’s blog, and one of her post provoked my interest. https://blogs.ubc.ca/susanz/2010/10/09/thinking-ahead/#content In her post, she stressed on the importance of looking into the future to find opportunities, where firms can increase their revenue. Oct. 10th, 2010, which just passed away five days ago, was seen as one of the […]

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I remember a quote, which says “life was so much simpler when apple and blackberry were just fruits.” This funny quote metaphorically describes the situation of the mobile phone market, which is mostly dominated by iPhone-Apple and Blackberry-RIM. Although Apple and RIM see each other as their rival, I perceive their competition in a different […]

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