Making my First LinkedIn Profile & Brainstorming Formal Report Topics: Unit Two Reflection

Creating a LinkedIn Profile

            Creating a LinkedIn profile was a new experience for me. Prior to this course, I had heard about people using LinkedIn to connect with people professionally, but I had never thought to create my own profile. I am glad that I was allowed to create my first iteration of my LinkedIn profile through this course because I was able to get feedback from my peers as they seem to be more well-versed in LinkedIn than I am.

            After creating my profile, I made connections with many of my old classmates and co-workers. I anticipate growing my profile even more in the future.

EDIT: Feel free to view and connect with me on LinkedIn here

Formal Report

Initially I found coming up with a formal report topic to be difficult. All the topics posted seemed to require a lot of scouting at public places which is now difficult due to the pandemic. However, once I thought more closely about problems within my own community, I was able to come up with a topic that I look forward to investigating more about. Reflecting back to when I first came up with this topic, I am surprised as to how small tweaks I have made to reach the proposal and research methods I have now.

From my peer review of my teammate’s proposal, I learnt the importance of having scope in your report as well as a target audience when doing any piece of technical writing. This reminds me of our first definitions assignment and proves why defining your audience is so important. From the peer review process, I have learnt that my writing lacks in clarity and expression. I am consistently surprised by what I read in my colleague’s work because we all come from different majors. From my biology classes, I am used to writing more plainly for lab reports. Reading my peer’s writing, has made me recognize that I need to improve my expression of ideas.

301 Phoebe Wu Formal Report Proposal – Revised report proposal

Barton’s Peer Review

EDIT: You can now read my completed formal report here

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