WebFolio Reflection

For one of the final aspects to ENGL 301, students were asked to construct a WebFolio that showcased all the work they’ve completed throughout the term.

Creating my WebFolio was an interesting experience. I had never made a website dedicated to myself and my work before. In biology, it was not very common for someone to have a website dedicated to their work, but I can see the value of having a WebFolio now after having constructed one for myself. I think this would be something useful to have on a resume so that future employers could know more about your personality and the work you’ve done to see if you’re a good fit for the position. Particularly, now that I’m in computer science, I think having the ability to showcase the work or programs you’re able to produce is paramount to getting the job.

The process of creating the WebFolio was somewhat a smooth transition from the technical writing blog we had created for earlier assignments in ENGL 301. I had used WordPress before in other classes to power sites, but this was the first time I had this much interaction with the interface.  Learning how to create pages and upload different types of media to the website was an enjoyable learning experience for me. Having completed this assignment, I feel much more comfortable constructing a computer science WebFolio in the future.

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