About Me

Hello, my name is Phoebe and I am currently getting my Bachelor of Computer Science at UBC. This will be my sixth year at UBC as I previously completed my biology degree here. However, I am still very excited to start the new term! While completing my BCS, I want to take a variety of courses in order to explore the different fields within computer science. I am still unsure which field I want to pursue a career in. Within these few years, I look forward to finding a field that allows me to work my strengths and that I’m passionate about. On a similar note, I am also interested in taking computer engineering courses later on in my program to gain a better understanding of how computers work. Outside of computer science, I also find interest in other subjects such as language, family studies, nutrition just to name a few. I plan on learning Spanish as well as taking other courses in those fields as part of my degree.

On the professional side, while I say I’m on the fence about which field of computer science I want to enter in the future, I think I am leaning towards software development and engineering. I find the problem-solving aspect of software developing to be challenging yet fun and I like how each part of the code works together and fits together perfectly. That being said, I am still enthusiastic about and open to exploring other aspects of computer science as a part of my degree. To build up some connections in the tech industry, I am looking forward to applying for Co-op next year. I want to gain more valuable professional work experience and learn the necessary skills that will prepare me for a career in the computer science industry.

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