
Welcome to my WebFolio for ENGL 301 at UBC!

This blog is a collection of work and reflections I’ve made throughout the term as an ENGL 301 student. Please feel free to view my work at the following pages:

  • The best work page showcases some of the best work I’ve completed this term and shows the growth I’ve made to becoming a better technical writer.
  • The blog page consists of the reflections I’ve written while finishing my technical writing assignments
  • Read more about me on the  about me page
  • The application package is a sample job application containing a sample job posting, cover letter, resume, and reference requests
  • The resume is an online version of my resume
  • The LinkedIn page – feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn
About ENGL 301

English 301 explores the strategies used in technical writing and how they are employed in written and online correspondence for business and professional settings. Technical writing focuses on efficiently and effectively communicating information to the reader in ways that are easy to understand.

In this course, we will be practicing how to compose multiple documents such as, abstracts, proposals, applications, reports, correspondence, and online communications like emails, texts, Web Folio, and networking. We will also be given the opportunity to work closely with an instructor’s consultation as well as the opportunity to practice collaborative writing in writing teams. The course’s main goals are:

  • To introduce the distinctive elements of writing in business, professional, and technical contexts and provide enough practice of these skills
  • To involve students in creating their own Web Folio which includes a LinkedIn profile with references and a professionally designed website to showcase their resume
  • To give opportunities to work in a group setting and to encourage peer-editing and self-editing skills

Students will be assessed mainly through three major writing assignments: a formal report, an application package, and the Web Folio.

By taking this course I wish to learn more about how to write and communicate in ways that are appropriate for business and professional settings. I am also looking forwards to getting experienced help on creating a good LinkedIn profile and advice on how to write a polished cover letter and resume. Additionally, I would like to be taught tips and tricks on how to be a good technical writer and given a multitude of chances to practice and hone my skills throughout the term. Finally, I would like to come out of this term with documents that will help me with applying for the Co-op program.

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