Why a constant target segments?

In order to become successful, a company has to have a clear concept of what its target segments are and the targeted customers’ need. A question comes up to my mind. Why does a company need a constant target segments?

As time goes on, trend changes. People have changing demands on goods and services and it is a company’s job to keep track on it. A constant target segment does not mean the company never makes any changes on its products. It is to help building an image for specific, targeted groups of customers.

However, I think the most successful companies should have changing target segments. This will provide a wider customer source and create a positive image of being innovative. Companies usually change their operating directions when they face difficulties but they seldom think of changing target segments constantly. They may have concerns on the cost of buying new equipment but this problem can easily be solved when they consider co-operating with other companies that have good company images. Changing target segments can avoid the problem of being “outdated” and being eliminated by a specific target segment of customers.


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