What brings Ford to a brighter future?

As mentioned in class, Dell earns the highest revenue per employee among all the PC industry in 2004 due to its ability on making quick response to changing customer tastes. Does it work for other companies as well? Ford brings up a good example. It figures out a new way to increase its revenue by doing something similar to what Dell did in 2004: expanding its manufacturing footprint and overhauling its production method in order to increase efficiency and flexibility. After all, the quick response to changing customer tastes is an important element for a company to work better because trends are changing from time to time. If a company is unable to catch up with the trends, customers can immediately notice this and abandon the support on that particular company. In opposite, customers always prefer companies that can catch up with the flow and lead the generation especially for company like Ford that has many strong competitors like Toyota, Honda, and Nissan. Therefore, the changes that Ford plans to make can certainly bring Ford to a brighter future as the whole action will bring Ford a better reputation for being innovative.


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