
The U.S. companies are falling behind on innovation comparing to other companies. However, they still have a clear and desperate goal, which is to create more than $250 billion in new revenue. There are more than one solution to solve this.

First of all, make innovation part of the job. Employees are requested to bring up new ideas in certain time limit. It means in this case, the company are paying the employees to come up with ideas. Either think, or being laid off. However, this will not work very well because workers are not willing to this, which will lead to lots of bad ideas. Another way to increase innovation is to encourage workers with better chance of promotion or more working benefits.

Thirdly, when workers cannot innovate, cutting cost can be a helpful way. Obviously, cutting cost can also bring more profit to the company as innovation does. This can be achieved easily through some small changes to the company such as cutting off advertisement cost when there are stable customers.

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