Creation of shared value

Making money should not be the only goal of a business. We also need to take care of sustainability, which is the combination of environment, economics, and social. To achieve this goal, creation of shared value (CSV) can be applied to this.

Social enterprise is a great way to work on. Different from traditional charity, social enterprise is more than just giving out money. It gains reputation from giving out money to the need. This satisfies the social part, which means to contribute to the society.

When we discussed about Lululemon in class, our group found that the company focuses on six key wastes produced during the production process. This is not seriously restricted by the government. When the company is doing this, it certainly raise the brand image of the company. Also, this is a great example contributing to the environmental part of sustainability.

Building up reliable connection with the suppliers is the economics part of sustainability. A company needs to build up stable relationship with the suppliers to make sure they have a stable product supply to the customers. If a company fail to do this, the brand image will be greatly damaged.

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