Big companies using social network for business

Online resources such as twitter, instagram and facebook, are used for advertising by many big companies. This is a great new way to make the brand well-known to people around the world in the fastest speed. This is a way to achieve such a big while beneficial effect because internet is used by the mass public. Most importantly, this is a free service! What else can be better than free advertisements for your company? As we can all see in the daily lives, people are mostly using social networking applications that can be downloaded to your phone when they have free time. This phenomena is especially obvious in UBC as free internet coverage is placed all over the campus. This shows the importance of how internet is influencing our lives nowadays. If network system suddenly breaks down one day that can never be repaired, all advertisements have to go back to the old generation system, the whole business industry will slow down and may get even worse than the old generations as we already lost the old business techniques that our previous generations used to have. We are not only using social network, we are now relying on it.

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