Participate in the PhytoRCLASS Logo Competition!
You are invited to participate in the 2021 PhytoRCLASS logo design competition!
- To submit a logo, copy-paste it onto any slide in this Google Slides presentation.(Please click the link to access it.)
- You may submit as many logos as you would like. (In fact, we encourage you to submit as many as you can!)
- Please avoid using copyrighted images.
- If you prefer, you may include the PhytoRCLASS tagline: Classroom, Lab/computer/field, Associations, Skills, Social. (Note that including this tagline is optional; if you would like to be especially creative, you may invent your own tagline!)
The winning design will become the official PhytoRCLASS logo. Among other things, it will be featured in the upper right corner of this blog in place of the current placeholder image.