Snapchat, the 2-year-old App worth $3 Billion

What do you do when you’re 23 years old and have a $3bn company on your hands?

According to Snapchat co-founder and chief executive, Even Spiegel, you wait for it to be worth even more.

Recently, Snapchat rejected a $3bn buyout offer from Facebook (the most expensive acquisition Facebook would have ever made), on the grounds that other investors were valuing the company at an even higher $4bn.  Snapchat’s high valuation makes sense when you think about similar companies like Twitter and Pinterest.  These companies have only been growing in the past few quarters, most especially Twitter, whose IPO soared to $23bn.

Interesting how something that is decidedly a vitamin manages to overtake and decline an offer from Facebook, a company that has risen to pain-killer status in our society.

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