Is Facebook “Failing Its Marketers”?

Four of my Facebook ads (admittedly not very personalized)

Today I learned the importance of using many sources in a blog post. Wanting to write a post in reference to an external blog by Nate Elliot, VP of Forrestor Marketing. In his post, he suggests that Facebook is “failing its marketers”. I wrote 195 words and then came upon an article in Businessweek which took a more holistic approach to the issue.

This experience showed me the importance of searching out multiple perspectives before coming to conclusions. Now onto the topic at hand. Is Facebook a worthwhile place to advertise? Admittedly, Nate Elliot has a point that Facebook should leverage its data more to create more personalized ads based on what people “like”. However, they also need to be careful not to flood their website with advertisements as that would “alienate users”. What I realize now is that although Facebook may not be taking full advantage of its data, it is for many companies entirely worth it. As opposed to the marketing research we did in class, Facebook has the data (or the answers). If it can ask the right questions its advertising can become more effective. What Elliot does not realize is that this is a process that takes time.

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