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In sight of recent events, the article:

clearly depicts the community’s reaction to the Sauder chant going public. Sauder has established an image for itself and for its students as one of the most reputable and respected business schools in all of Canada. Although the severity of this topic is huge and in no way do I support what was chanted, those who reacted in the ways such as in the image within the article are letting emotions cloud their logical thinking.

In absolutely no way does the Sauder School of Business support underage non-consensual  sex. This chant in no way depicts the values and ethics we uphold as Sauder students on a day to day basis. A reaction like this would have been expected if those at frosh were seen chanting on the sidewalk or out in public areas where it would then be evident of a ‘pro rape’ culture. Clearly, this was never meant to be made public and therefore never meant to cause any harm or discomfort to anyone and for that we all sincerely apologize.

The CUS handled the situation as best they could but should continue supporting Sauder Frosh and just make sure it all goes cleanly and well in order to maintain the reputation Sauder has created.


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