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Techno logic advances are starting to scare me. The latest being the ability to print in 3D.

On one hand this new technology is extremely revolutionary and provides inventors and innovators the ability to bring product ideas only available on paper to life in a 3D model of the product. A car company for example, no longer needs to mold and create an entire car for product testing but can now scale it down and with over 100 building ingredients, the newest 3D printers can create an exact replica of the intended car. Clearly this innovation poses obvious advantages to many people.

Keeping its benefits in mind, there have already been cases of people using the 3D printers to create and sell their own line of products. There are many cases of people producing fully functional guns or gun parts from these printers. This means companies making 3D printers need to put some sort of device that allows them to detect when pieces are being created that could pose potential harm.


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