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In response to Thomas Campbell’s blog post regarding mainly the annual release of brand new Call of Duty games and his questioning of the reasoning behind customers purchasing each game “as early as humanly possible” I would like to add my two cents on the matter being a (somewhat seasoned) gamer myself.

The question as to why people purchase the new iPhone as soon as it comes out or why they can’t wait to jump on the next Call of Duty craze goes much deeper than the technical additions to each new addition.

The reason everyone can’t wait to get their hands on either of these new products or even any new trending product boils down to the unconscious need we all have for change. Although these new products may seem like they haven’t changed much if at all, the blind consumers will take any excuse they can get to justify purchasing the next big item. Change combined with not wanting to be left behind fuels consumers to purchase things any rational 3rd party would view as ridiculous. With this in mind, my hat goes off to those who have successfully created a need for products we never knew we would have.

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