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Although it looks friendly who really knows that this guys is going to be capable of? At the rate new technologies are being created it may not be long until we have little guys like him that are doing everything we’re too lazy to do ourselves.

The great Steve Jobs created something no one thought they needed. However now you can’t go 2 minutes without seeing, hearing about, or reaching for your own Apple product. One of their most popular products is the iPhone. Although with the release of the iPhone 5s recently, Apple has shown that innovation may not be the priority on their list anymore. Each successive iPhone has barely been an improvement upon the last and yet apple somehow managed to sell 4.8 million phones in the month of September alone.

News of Apple reportedly being said to buy a 3D sensing company shows huge room for innovation for the upcoming apple products. 3D cameras, 3D holograms and who knows what else may not be too far looking forward.

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