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Much criticism towards the father of 5 and 7 year old sons known as the strongest brothers in the world has been received due to the strict training regime he has introduced into his son’s lives. The full video may be found here.

Although there are multiple studies showing the negative effects of training sessions such as those conducted by the brothers at such a young age, that seems like a much healthier lifestyle than most North American families have decided to integrate into their homes. In 2010 more than one-third of adolescents and children were either overweight or obese. Given the choice between a child who can raise him or herself into a human flagpole and a child who cannot I would go with the first choice 10 times out of 10. The importance of physical fitness has not been stressed enough in society and the ability to put on pound after pound of meaningless body fat has become far too easy.

The original blog post states the father’s and mother’s views on the matter and how the father mainly promotes his sons’ two hour training session each morning in order to surpass all records and turn his boys into the strongest men alive.

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