Unit 2 Reflection

LinkedIn was an intimidating topic for me. Before this class, I already had a profile created with nothing posted. Since LinkedIn is a platform made for professionals, I felt unconfident with my profile since I did not know how to properly utilize the site. However, with unit 2 and my teammates’ suggestions and my research on common practices, I was able to dive deeper into the platform and produce a better profile. LinkedIn is a beneficial site and I have always wanted to be active on it. Although it is overwhelming, I think with more practice, it will be useful in the long run.

Moreover, this unit also included a lot of team-oriented assignments! I enjoy learning from other students and having a new set of eyes viewing my work. My proposal was peer-reviewed by Madison (vice-versa) and she was super helpful! She suggested new ways to phrase a sentence and caught a minor typo. While writing, I have a tendency to overuse certain words/phrases so having her peer-review my proposal was a huge assist to me. Her suggestions made my report more seamless and overall were things I would not have noticed until she pointed them out.

The aspect of peer-reviewing is enjoyable to me. Although receiving criticism is helpful, giving criticism to others is something I learned in this course. Reading Madison’s proposal was nice to intake. She had some minor errors but hopefully, I left suggestions that she can use in her final report. With peer revision, I also realized that her proposal question is quite different from mine so it will be interesting to see how she will proceed with her report.

Lastly, this unit was heavily focused on the formal report proposal. To be frank, the formal report scares me. Having to formulate a 12-15 page report based on your research and data is a lot. I have not written a report with just my research/data (along with my own question!) so this will be new for me. Regarding the most recent assignment, I had to plan a ‘working schedule’ with tentative dates and objectives. This report will be completed during a time crunch (about three weeks) so I am concerned with my time management. It will be time-consuming and tedious, but I will make sure to stay on top of things and set aside time solely for this report. I will begin posting my online survey in a day or two, marking the commencement of this report! Completing this assignment will be an interesting and new milestone for me as a student.

Below I have attached my revised formal report proposal as well as Madison’s peer review.

Piper Kim’s Revised Formal Report Proposal 

Madison’s Peer Review 

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