ETEC 540

Voice to Text Task

Story – Voice to Text

A few years ago I decided to go on a road trip with some family friends of mine we went to Mount tremblant in Montreal so the trip started at our house in Toronto where their father put all of our skis up on the roof of the car we had to pick up her brother in Montreal their dad had said to us whatever you do no matter the circumstances please do not take the skis off the roof or do anything like that just put his board in the car and go from there so we put his board on the roof despite what their dad had said we then proceeded our way to Mount tremblant stopped at a great bagel shop and continued on when we were driving down the highway we noticed that there was a pair of skis starting to slowly hang down by the driver side window my friend put her hand out the window and held onto the skis at this point we had all just started eating our bagels and we’re all very excited and very hungry she’s holding onto the skis in -40° weather we’re driving on the highway super fast and everyone’s so preoccupied by eating their bagels she starts screaming at her brother to pull the car over so he quickly Deas we then almost lose all of our skis off the roof we are now on the side of the highway a super busy highway in Montreal we are unsure how to get the skis back on the roof and don’t want to proceed driving because we’re scared to fall off more so their mom suggests that we finish our lunches on the side of this busy insane highway I looked back at the highway and noticed that there has been a police car that pulls up and he starts setting off flares behind the back of our car because where we stopped was such a dangerous spot to stop so now we have skis hanging off the side of the roof and we have a police car and flyers being set off and their mom is still suggesting that we finish our lunches we somehow fenagle the skis back onto the top of the car and proceed to the nearest exit when we get to the exit we stop we takes all the skis and we finish our lunches we then drove the last hour or so to Mount tremblant with the ski staying firmly on the roof there there dad had flown in And we all met for dinner at a nice restaurant he said how was the drive and all of us burst out laughing and he said the skis must’ve fallen didn’t they Let’s just say on the way home we let him pack the car



Task Three

 Pamela MacGregor


Completing this assignment provided me with a sense of stress thinking about how I had to tell a story without reading it or practicing beforehand. I knew that it would not come out right on my phone, so I tried hard not to look at the text being written as I spoke. However, I knew I would be feeling frustrated with the mistakes and the inability to document the story properly.


The text deviates from typical conversations in written English with the lack of punctuation. This is because punctuation plays such a prominent role in how we perceive English and how we read it and understand it. Comprehending the written text above is very difficult given the lack of punctuation. It changes multiple meanings of sentences and creates confusion when reading the story.


For the most part, the technology was able to script the story properly. They were adequately spelled and in the correct order in which they were spoken. However, I found there is a lack of understanding of what “there” to use. My phone defaulted to the t-h-e-r-e spelling most of the time. The English language has quite a few homophones, so the voice-to-text software needs to be programmed when to use it.


If I had been able to read from a script, my pronunciation would have been more precise and allowed me to practice beforehand. I would have had a better sense of where the story was going. Even better, having the opportunity to share this story orally would have created a more straightforward and entertaining story. My humor did not show through in the text, neither did the proper meaning. Oral storytelling provides the audience be captivated in more than one way. People use their hands, pitch, tone, volume, accent, and face to effetely share stories.


I often use the program “Grammarly” to check over my work before submitting it. For those of you unfamiliar, this is an application that helps to edit work to meet set and desired goals. I decided to pop my raw text into the application to see if it would pick up mistakes I did not notice. To my complete shock, it stated that there were NO errors stating “Grammarly ran hundreds of checks on your text and found no writing issues”. This was remarkable to me, as I had found SO many errors and they are supposed to be the ‘expert’. This got me thinking, who is the expert in this case?  In what ways does the software find this text okay? This really makes me wonder what about the way I said this text and the way it was recorded lead to this result.

Grammarly ScreenShot Below




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