In the next 30 years, I think there will be some massive advancements in digital literacies. I think the relationship with the media will have a heavy component of artificial intelligence.

My utopian society portrays the beneficial ways that artificial intelligence will play in human lives. These digital natives have a relationship with the digital world that is superior to that of the non-digital. The relationship between student and teacher is heightened as AI creates a world where everyone knows what everyone is thinking.

In my dystopian society, AI has taken over, and students have difficulty connecting in real life. The continued introduction of new technology has created a culture where there is an unawareness around human connection.

In the podcast Leading Lines, Corbet Doyle talks about how we need new intelligence to guide us as the world continues to change. With all of the advancements in technology, we will need to keep up with developing literacies to navigate the changing world.