Task One – What’s in Your Bag?


Hi there, I am Pamela MacGregor, a first-year MET student. I am a 5th-year elementary school teacher in Richmond, British Columbia. Here is a small glimpse into my life by looking into my everyday bag.

I have chosen to share with you my everyday work bag. I travel with this bag back and forth to work daily, but also for personal weekend use. Living in Vancouver, the bottom of this bag is often covered in sand, dirt, and dog poop bags (empty, of course). This bag travels with me to various locations; it is sometimes a dumping ground for items, so please excuse the randomness.

The Bag – this giant tote bag is from a workout studio that I often attend in Vancouver. I bought it simply due to its massive size and durable capabilities.

The groups and literacies that I belong to become evident when looking into my bag.  There are groups that I have become a part of due to activities, work, and home life. I have learned literacies that I wouldn’t have known before joining the ‘group.’ This past year, I got my first dog. I developed pet literacies and have carried supplies with me figuratively and literally daily. Becoming part of this group, among others, changes the way I communicate and with whom I share my time.

My bag’s ‘private’ contents not photographed here are my wallet and fanny pack items. These would be things such as credit cards and membership cards.

What would this same bag have looked like, say, 15 or 25 years ago? This would be a different bag in some regards, but also very similar in others. As technology shifts and changes, so have some items in my bag, for example, my ID, computer, and charger. All the items relating to COVID would not be in my bag either.  Lots would have stayed the same, such as twine to tie up my tomato plants, glasses, sunglasses, EPI pens, dog toys, house keys, and Allen key set.

Thanks for taking a little look into my bag!


Item Daily Use/Why Important Literacies
ID Card – Use to enter the school I work at, as well as wear at work as an ID card Digital Literacy

Technology Literacy

Laptop and Charger – Used to plan, create, and organize for work purposes. Also used for school Digital Literacy

Technology Literacy

House Key – Enter my home Functional Literacy
EPI Pen – Allergic to shellfish so this comes around with me anywhere I go Medical Literacies
Glasses and Sunglasses – Protect my eyes form the sun


Medical Literacies

Functional Literacy

Sport Literacy

Dog Toy and Bags – Clean up after my pet Pet Literacies
Twine – NO idea why this was in here. I think I used it to tie up my tomato plants and it ended up here Functional Literacy

Gardening Literacy

Allen Key Set – I often cycle to school/work so this comes with me everywhere for small bike adjustments Functional Literacy


Sport Literacy

Wallet – Pay for everyday life items Personal Literacy

Functional Literacy

Technology Literacy

Masks and Sanitizer – Protection from illnesses Functional Literacy

Medical Literacies