Voice to text

Below is my voice to text story.  As well as the story in audio and my response in audio.

yesterday around 12:30 I was heading out to UBC to play some indoor tennis and I was biking out there and I’ve got a full bike here about my rain jacket my rain pants my boots I’m set I’m good my light was turned on I also had my rear light on and I was biking on 10th Avenue which is a bike path and then I crossed Granville Street and I was heading towards further so some of you can probably picture that and I there was a car Mercedes parked on the other side of the street that I didn’t really notice but then it started moving quickly and it has her to do a U-turn and then the U-turn was coming right towards me and I started yelling like crazy a lot of expletives that I won’t share with you at this time and I’m still in shock right now it’s just less than 24 hours ago and he even know with me yelling I knew I couldn’t get out of the way and and so then he ran into my back wheel and then you know that we talked about that slow motion how things have been slow motion run accident take place and I don’t like what it described it as slow motion it’s sort of like time-lapse image pictures as I reflect back on the moment so I have a picture of very clear or almost like a group of photographs that are one by one by one as I now reflect back on the moment to the one picture is is looking to my left and and its paws where he the car is about to hit my back wheel and it’s again this is where the shock the brain is just like what on Earth how is someone on a bike path in you know anywhere in reflection you kind of think all these words how is someone on a bike path how are they just how they decided to make a U-turn and a car and I wear this white rain jacket I’m very visible at least I thought I was very visible not so if Isabel to this guy parently so there’s this so there’s that one feeling show then he’s returning and he’s coming to hit me and I and I see the the right side of his car and runs clear frame right like it’s this is medium shot of this car and then the next frame is me turning to my right and Earl it literally flying down towards the ground and all I see is the curb and Savannah and Reflections this Freeze Frame Freeze Frame moment of going what the f is going to happen to me and it’s a total it’s just it’s a shock and in that Freeze Frame woman is just hatched in my rain and and so then then it all news that then there’s kind of this fast motion and slow motion where it’s like boom I’m down in the ground the car the bike has Smashes in it and it’s it’s painful and then I I jump up and I’m mostly worried right at the beginning it am I going to be able to play tennis this afternoon it’s like yeah I know I don’t think so and then I’m worried about my wrists and I’m yelling obscenities is ripping off my my the Glass isn’t helmet that I’ve got on and then he’s getting out of the car and he’s like are you okay and and then all these different images of that then this to these two people are like you okay and people saying are you okay all over the place and I’m like I don’t know like I I think I’m in shock so what do you do with shock and then and then I’m walking back and forth and and and their this other guy I wanted Witnesses like should I I’m on the phone and I don’t have one do you think you need an ambulance and it’s like I mean like physically I I think I’m okay I feel like I bruised my hands and my wrist actually seems fine but I think I landed on my my knee and then I landed on my side my ribs and I and so I landed in all so many different places and so then I’m thinking okay so I’m I’m good but am I good I don’t know and so then then the guy the witness is like what I don’t want to suggesting that the police should at least, and I’m like I guess like he’s not my decision to make I mean I sort of in a weird quick moment at the end there too I was like I I kind of feel badly for this guy you hit me cuz he he looks really can’t write me hasn’t fled I can’t imagine how awfully he feels too the way you know I wasn’t super concerned about him that moment so I’m good I’m okay I feel like I just got a bunch of bruises and it’s now that’s like I said less than 24 hours ago but sort of living that shock and trying to figure out if I am okay but I was able to do this assignment I think I was looking at the writing it looks like a mess but I guess that’s just the speech-to-text all right over and out 




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