Manual Script Task 4

As you can see in my pictures below I decided that it would be worthwhile to further consider the types of instruments that we use to write with.  That created a few problems particularly with the sharpie that I used on the flip side of the paper.  I didn’t want to waste paper but then that didn’t work out so well.  (Since the penmanship is terrible I’ve also added in an audio file of the story for those who are interested to follow along and try to decipher my hieroglyphs !)

I find that when I pick up certain pens or pencils I just don’t want to write with them for some reason.  Oftentimes it’s the way the pen feels in my hands or the way the tool actually writes on the paper.  As well, the type of paper can influence if I like the writing process or find it satisfactory.  Obviously, as you can see, my penmanship is not the best.  When I go slowly I can print so that it is quite legible but I find that when I write or print on the page, then I just can’t keep up with my thoughts.  So for me I almost exclusively write out thoughts etc on a computer.  I’m reasonably quick for typing and it is legible almost all of the time!  Now that being said there are times when I do prefer handwriting.  I like to make notes and to do lists with pen and paper.  I find that at those times I slow down my thinking and try to take care in determining what is important and prioritize various items.  I also find that pen to paper ideas can stick more in my mind then if I write out a list in a digital format.  Also who knows where I’ve put that list…google drive, email, onedrive, laptop, phone who knows.  Digital organization…don’t get me started on that wormhole!  

When I was writing with pen and pencil to paper I tried as best I could to avoid ‘mistakes’.  IE I was doing a little creative writing and decided that it’s best to try to let it flow.   However I know that, for me, with creative writing it is easier on the computer because I do find it easier to let go and write and make corrections easily and quickly.  I think I did the classic scratch out and bracket for one of my mistakes.  Cumbersome.

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