Bag Dad Audio

The other was visual.  This one is just audio.

I liked experimenting with one alternative to the same project. Oftentimes when I think of Universal Design, I try to figure out how something can work for everyone.  But in this case I took the approach that one version of the project would be very visual focused and another very focused on the sounds.  The visual project ends up coming off as something quite literal whereas the auditory version is more of a poem of sorts.  Which is better?  The obvious answer is neither.  In fact it’s the wrong question.  The question that the readings were driving us to ask is more along the lines of…why are we not teaching multiliteracies in all things that we do in the classroom?   Why have do we emphasize one type of literacy over the other?  I think a simplistic answer to this is that the written word is a construct for many of the other types of literacy.  It is foundational for many of the other literacies.  IE when I go to create a podcast or a video I still need to rely on the written word in the planning stages and therefore I need that foundational piece.  However the teaching of the various literacies needs to go beyond – please complete a project in a different form.  There needs to be teaching of that form in order to master that form.

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