What is the definition of ‘death’ to me? My life minus A(dventure), R(esearch), and T(eaching).


An ironic point: I enjoy being ‘disconnected’ from the digital-world (no-phone, no-internet) for a period that makes my nearby people so worried sometimes 🙁

Okay! You know, I am a labour of love for beauty and for the sake of soaking in the veritable beauty of God’s creations I’d love to do so often 🙂

In this stream, I plant myself in every possible place within my capacity. The endless sea of trees, the white-belted heavy rain, and the calm of craggy rocks- all can make me feel like a flyspeck in this Cartesian-coordinated landscape. Believe me, it’s ridiculously peaceful- The A(dventure)!

Yo, I’ve met a soul-mate I liked, and I’ve met a soul-mate that liked me. Yes, you probably know her too by name ‘R(esearch)’! To me, research first, health last. Doing research is good for my soul.

Umm..T(eaching) is NOT an important thing in my life unless I unmitigatedly believe myself as a ‘forest’ who vehemently enjoy keeping on giving away while like to get knowledge as a seed! I got coupled with teaching by a correlation factor of 0.17.