Hype Machine Driving the Musical Hype Train

by patrickmceachran

Music is the universal language. Everyone has a type of music or a certain artist that they listen to religiously. Some of us like the classics, some of us like niche genres, and some of us love the thrill of exploring new music and new artists, being the first ones to discover new songs (I see you, hipsters). The bottom line being that we all love music in one way or another.

The music blog Hype Machine recognizes our love for music and gives their users the best possible way to discover new music as well as listen to the classics again. As they explain on their site, “Hype Machine keeps track of what music bloggers write about. We’ve carefully handpicked a set of 816 music blogs and then present what they discuss for easy analysis, consumption and discovery.” Hype Machine gives you a variety of different methods of exploring music. This includes looking at the latest posts in the music blogosphere and the most popular posts currently in the blogosphere, to using Twitter as an interactive music chart of songs being posted, to using the Time Machine feature to check out what was popular each month over the past six years. Overall, it’s a very user-friendly experience and, more importantly, a user-trusted site.

This reflects extremely well over their social media channels. Hype Machine has 71k likes on Facebook and over 157k followers on Twitter. By definition, Hype Machine is a hub influencer. Garnering nearly 50 interactions per post or tweet, Hype Machine takes in the information they gather from the hundreds of blogs they monitor and reintroduce it to their followers in an organized manner, making it easy for users to discover new music that they like.

As an avid Hype Machine user, I am excited to see where the project goes. The site is forever growing and changing and I, the user, am always discovering amazing new music. And thank goodness for that, because without that new music on my iPhone every week, I’m sure the radio would have me wanting to drive into oncoming traffic after hearing Katy Perry five times each day. This is how we don’t, Katy.

And for any of you who made it this far through my post, here’s my favourite new song that I discovered on Hype Machine-

White Lies (ft. Jenni Potts) by ODESZA