My Three Cents

Because two cents is rounded down to zero now.

Category: Uncategorized

So, What Have I Learned?

Commerce 464 flew by, first and foremost. It feels like yesterday that I was panicking about having to approach a real-world client to pitch our help to them. It was something that I had never done before and felt that I didn’t have the experience to do. However, approaching Black Kettle Brewing and talking to […]

Lessons from a Google Adwords Trial by Fire

For our client marketing project, I was the one to take on the Google Adwords campaign mini assignment. I had no prior experience with Adwords and was unsure what to expect. The one thing I did expect was that I was about to learn a lot in a short amount of time. Guess what? I […]

Will Instagram Ads be the New Facebook Ads?

As of last night, I saw my first sponsored ad on my Instagram newsfeed. It was from Instagram and I have to say, I didn’t really mind it all that much.   It’s the start of a new era. Instagram will no longer be ad-free. The social media platform has long since taken over as […]

My Personal Brand

Who am I? I am a lot of things. If asked this question, I would respond with words like: skier, marketing student, music snob, golfer, Suits-watcher, socialite, beer-lover, actually-secretly-Palm-Bay-lover. This list may change and the order may be revised, but I know that one word will always be present and will always be at the […]

Know Your Audience

Throughout our course and as a marketer, I have come to appreciate just how important social media monitoring has become for a brand. Without monitoring social media, you won’t be aware of what conversations consumers are having about your brand or your line of business and without this information, I think that companies will quickly […]

A Brief Web Audit of the Arc’teryx Website

    Arc’teryx is my favourite outdoor clothing and technical outerwear companies. They make outstanding products with the highest quality. In this short web audit, I’d like to see if their website stands up to their product. So, without further ado, the 7 C’s of Web Design… Context: 8/10 Functionality of the Arc’teryx website is […]

Staying In The Game

As we saw in one of our recent classes, automating your posts on social media can be beneficial up to a point, but needs to be used in moderation. Too many automated posts from companies can lead to consumers feeling disconnected. It’s key for companies to be aware of events taking place around the world […]

Music – The Internet Industry

The other day I was taking a look at my personal profile on Facebook and I saw something that I found interesting. I was browsing through my liked pages and saw that there were two large majorities: companies and musicians. I understand that my interests, or my ‘likes,’ are completely unique to myself, but I […]

The InstaBrand Era

  On September 30th, 2014, Red Bull posted this picture across their three main social media channels. The picture is of Andreu Lacondeguy, the man who took first place at Red Bull’s completely mad mountain bike freeride event, Rampage. What’s noteworthy about this picture has nothing to do with the athlete or the event, but to […]

Hype Machine Driving the Musical Hype Train

Music is the universal language. Everyone has a type of music or a certain artist that they listen to religiously. Some of us like the classics, some of us like niche genres, and some of us love the thrill of exploring new music and new artists, being the first ones to discover new songs (I […]

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