2.c) Acts of Volition Radio

in 2. Live from The Formosa Teahouse

Steven Garrity was producing an online radio show long before the Live from The Formosa Tea House podcast came along.

Acts of Volition Radio, named after his online blog, launched on November 29, 2003. The weekly thirty- to sixty-minute radio program featured music and a bit of conversation.

Garrity explains the rationale behind Acts of Volition Radio in the show notes he included with his first episode:

I’ve had the idea of doing a weekly radio show on the web floating around in my head since the Acts of Volition website started over three years ago. I like the idea of assembling a bit of music, talking about who it is and why I like it, and making it available for download. An hour show could be posted for download and those interested could listen at their convenience (much like we enjoy the Strong Bad emails at HomeStarRunner.com or a new edition of The Onion each week).

The on-demand format allowed listeners to “tune-in” whenever they wanted.  They simply had go to Garrity’s website, download an Acts of Volition Radio episode and listen to it on their player of choice.

★  Internet radio is not a new phenomenon.  Audio files have been streaming online since 1995, predating podcasting by almost a decade.

☆  What makes podcasting different from web radio???

Many articles have been published detailing the history of internet broadcasting.  Two of the earliest and the best are:

“Webcast – A Concise History and Analysis Specific to Radio Broadcasting,” by  P. Sinclair, J. Anderson, P. Cruikshank, Feb 2001.

“Internet broadcasting’s brief history,” by the BBC News’ technology correspondent Mark Ward, March 2001.

Although Steven Garrity was broadcasting Acts of Volition Radio long before he started podcasting with Peter Rukavina, Live from The Formosa Tea House still stands as Canada’s first podcast.

Garrity admits he even, “avoided the term ‘podcast’ for years hoping it wouldn’t catch on.  (I did the same with ‘blog’, but I know when I’m beat.)”

Acts of Volition Radio become became Canada’s third podcast on Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2004, when Garrity posted Session #14

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Episodes: Live from The Formosa Tea House
08.26.09 at 11:28 am

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