6.d) Rogic Inherits CanadaPodcasts.ca

in 6. Canada's Podcast Community

After the first PAB conference, things really started heating-up in the Canadian podcasting scene.

Distant voices who had only been available via RSS and suddenly had smiles, hugs and podcasting stories to share.  Curious listeners got to meet the people behind their favorite podcasts.  Those who were already podcasting felt validated meeting so many others doing the same thing as them.  People who weren’t podcasting yet felt inspired to start.

CanadaPodcasts.ca BannerAround the world more and more people were learning about, and listening to, podcasts.  More people were picking-up microphones and experimenting on their own with “this new podcasting thing.”

The CanadaPodcasts.ca online directory was the central hub for Canadian Podcasts.  At the same time The Canadian Podcasting Buffet was establishing itself as the main forum in which Canadian podcasts could be discussed.

canadapodcastsWhen Tod Maffin launched the directory on May 28, 2005, only 75 podcasts were listed.  By July 18, 2006, that number had climbed to 250.

With his busy career at CBC and his multiple international speaking engagements, Tod felt it was time to hand-over CanadaPodcasts.ca to someone who could give it the attention it deserved.  Maffin sought-out someone who cared about the burgeoning Canadian podcast community, who had the technical know-how to edit and update the site, and who had a vested interest in seeing CanadaPodcasts.ca prospercpc_header21.

That person was Bob Goyetche.

  • Tod Maffin talks about the transition:
  • Bob Goyetche:

CanadaPodcasts.ca officially joined the ROGIC conglomorate on July 18th, 2006.    Bob Goyetche has been the Managing Director of the directory since that date.

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