Unit Two Reflection

This blog will primarily focus on reflecting on the assignments of unit two.

I personally do not have a LinkedIn profile for mainly two reasons: 1. I didn’t think I needed it, and 2. I did not know how to create a captivating profile. Therefore, the assignment of researching best practices for social networking on LinkedIn proved to be very insightful for me. It was interesting to read about how some of the simplest actions, such as a profile picture, could be beneficial in finding opportunities and creating successful social connections. I plan to make a profile for myself soon and am glad I was able to obtain a variety of information on how to create an effective one.

I thoroughly enjoyed assembling my formal report proposal and outline. I feel my idea is quite creative and it will be interesting to see how my final project comes together. I am eager to begin the survey process and look forward to the responses I receive.

I appreciated the peer review process of my formal report proposal because it was informative to have someone else review my work. My peer reviewer mainly agreed with my proposal which gave me the assurance I was on the right track! They also provided some suggestions which assisted in enhancing my proposal. I also enjoyed reviewing my teammate’s proposal as their idea was nothing but innovative, engaging, and perceptive. I’m intrigued to see how their final project turns out.

I have attached the links to my formal outline and revised formal proposal below.



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