Unit Three Reflection REPOST

An anonymous survey was my primary source of data for my formal report. This survey was completed by pharmacy workers at London Drugs. I found designing the questions to be enjoyable as I was curious about the answers I was going to receive. I confirmed I had not included any personal questions about feelings or health which would allow the data to self-demonstrate the issue identified. Interestingly, this strategy succeeded and I was able to utilize the results appropriately in my formal report. However, I did find it a little difficult to gather results initially. Many people had not completed it on time and I was unable to include results and figures in my formal report draft. Thankfully, after reaching out to them a second time, I received a larger number of responses and my final formal report will be completed sufficiently.

With the limited information that I had, organizing the formal report draft was not too difficult. As a science student, I have written many research papers and therefore, I found the process of writing the formal report draft enjoyable and interesting. I was able to utilize the skills I had previously acquired and also practice the ones I have learned in this class so far. These include writing with a YOU attitude and avoiding pronouns. I also aimed to keep my paragraphs concise to allow the reader to easily understand the logical flow of what I was trying to present.

As always, the peer review process proved to be insightful. It was extremely helpful having someone look over my work and also provide feedback. It also gave me confidence when submitting my final work to the professor. I find gratification in providing feedback as well and am positive my teammates’ final draft of the formal report will be absolute and exemplary.

Unit Three Reflection

An anonymous survey was my primary source of data for my formal report. This survey was completed by pharmacy workers at London Drugs. I found designing the questions to be enjoyable as I was curious about the answers I was going to receive. I confirmed I had not included any personal questions about feelings or health which would allow the data to self-demonstrate the issue identified. Interestingly, this strategy succeeded and I was able to utilize the results appropriately in my formal report. However, I did find it a little difficult to gather results initially. Many people had not completed it on time and I was unable to include results and figures in my formal report draft. Thankfully, after reaching out to them a second time, I received a larger number of responses and my final formal report will be completed sufficiently.

With the limited information that I had, organizing the formal report draft was not too difficult. As a science student, I have written many research papers and therefore, I found the process of writing the formal report draft enjoyable and interesting. I was able to utilize the skills I had previously acquired and also practice the ones I have learned in this class so far. These include writing with a YOU attitude and avoiding pronouns. I also aimed to keep my paragraphs concise to allow the reader to easily understand the logical flow of what I was trying to present.

As always, the peer review process proved to be insightful. It was extremely helpful having someone look over my work and also provide feedback. It also gave me confidence when submitting my final work to the professor. I find gratification in providing feedback as well and am positive my teammates’ final draft of the formal report will be absolute and exemplary.

Unit Two Reflection

This blog will primarily focus on reflecting on the assignments of unit two.

I personally do not have a LinkedIn profile for mainly two reasons: 1. I didn’t think I needed it, and 2. I did not know how to create a captivating profile. Therefore, the assignment of researching best practices for social networking on LinkedIn proved to be very insightful for me. It was interesting to read about how some of the simplest actions, such as a profile picture, could be beneficial in finding opportunities and creating successful social connections. I plan to make a profile for myself soon and am glad I was able to obtain a variety of information on how to create an effective one.

I thoroughly enjoyed assembling my formal report proposal and outline. I feel my idea is quite creative and it will be interesting to see how my final project comes together. I am eager to begin the survey process and look forward to the responses I receive.

I appreciated the peer review process of my formal report proposal because it was informative to have someone else review my work. My peer reviewer mainly agreed with my proposal which gave me the assurance I was on the right track! They also provided some suggestions which assisted in enhancing my proposal. I also enjoyed reviewing my teammate’s proposal as their idea was nothing but innovative, engaging, and perceptive. I’m intrigued to see how their final project turns out.

I have attached the links to my formal outline and revised formal proposal below.



Unit One Reflection

   I’ve always felt like I don’t completely excel in written communication. The skill of effectively communicating my thoughts directly through words and expressions seems to never come easily to me. I often have difficulty quickly putting into words what I am thinking and take too much time planning than actually writing. This assignment certainly assisted in helping me overcome some of these writing challenges, mainly due to having an accompanying peer review. Having someone check and give constructive criticism proved to be useful because they were able to evaluate the validity and suitability of my written work as well as provide strength where I exhibited weakness. 

   This assignment required writing that was unlike what I am used to commonly writing (which is research papers). I previously was unaware of all the various ways a complex word could be described to accurately define it. I found the expansion techniques introduced to be very valuable and I think they will further be useful in the future during my academic and professional career, particularly when wanting to explain something to a diverse range of audiences. 

   While peer-editing, I read my teammate’s assignment three times. Atlasi demonstrated an exceptional ability to define ‘Magnetic Resonance Imaging’, and I initially thought it would be difficult to recommend changes. However, the blog post and document were an excellent guide. First, I read the piece without stopping to see if I fully understood what was being presented and if the overall flow was ideal. The second time, I nitpicked and checked to see if all the requirements were met (ie. what was missing and what could be added). During the final read, I made sure all the changes I had recommended actually allowed the piece to flow better. 

   The suggestions Atlasi had made were clear and beneficial. I incorporated the feedback to the best of my ability and made the changes to my written piece. After revision, I also felt more confident to repost my assignment as this sometimes is a challenge for me. This process helped me understand that assessment feedback is important in learning how to compose good written communication. Through being a peer-reviewer myself and as a student receiving feedback, I developed a sense of awareness of what I can do and what needs to be improved on. 


3 Email Messages

Dear MacAylee Heide,

I am captivated by your thorough written communication skills and therefore, I am interested in becoming a part of your writing team for ENGL 301. I am fascinated by your deep interest in psychology and passion for creating an environment that thoroughly respects equality. I believe by combining our creativity we will be able to achieve success in this course this semester.

I have attached my application above. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you for your time and consideration.




Hello Pooja,

While your application letter and experience are impressive, I have to

respectively decline your invitation as I have already confirmed my

presence in another group.

I do hope you secure your position in another group.

Have a good summer,



Dear Hugo Hu,

I am captivated by your thorough written communication skills and therefore, I am interested in becoming a part of your writing team for ENGL 301. I believe by combining our creativity and common interest in science, we will be able to achieve success in this course this semester.

I have attached my application above. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you for your time and consideration.




Dear Claire Abramski,

I am captivated by your thorough written communication skills and therefore, I am interested in becoming a part of your writing team for ENGL 301. Your motivation to pursue another degree is admirable. I believe by combining our creativity we will be able to achieve success in this course this semester.

I have attached my application above. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



Email Memorandum

Date: May 26, 2021

To: Erika Paterson

From: Pooja Patel

Subject: Posted 301 Application Letter

As requested, I am writing to inform you of my completed application letter for the position of Professional Writing Team Member. I have posted this letter to my blog as well as attached a copy to this email for your convenience.

The letter consists of:

  • A summary of my academic and professional experiences.
  • A description of my skills including time management, versatility, and dedication.
  • An ability I would like to improve on.

Please feel free to contact me if you require any additional information and/or have any questions.

Thank you for your time,

Pooja Patel

301 Pooja Patel Application Letter

301 Application Letter

May 26th, 2021


ENGL 301 98A

Erika Paterson 

Vancouver, BC


Re: Professional Writing Team 

Dear Fellow Students, 


I am writing this to express my sincere interest in becoming a committed member of your ENGL 301 Technical Writing class team. I am a recent Integrated Sciences graduate student from the University of British Columbia and have also secured a healthcare position for the past 7 years in which competent teamwork skills are heavily relied on. I believe that my strong work experience and education make me a competitive candidate for this position.


Alongside my academic career, I have been working as a Pharmacy Assistant through which I have had the opportunity to enhance my time management, task prioritization, and quick problem-solving skills while being constantly challenged out of my comfort zone. I have learned to be an efficient team worker and communicate with clarity to a diverse range of individuals. I also worked as a research assistant at the UBC Visual Performance & Oculomotor Mobility Lab which further encouraged me to think critically as well as enabled me to learn how to analyze statistical and graphical data.


I believe one of my greatest strengths is the ability to adapt according to the task or situation at hand. This skill allows me to display creativity, determination, and compassion while trying to accomplish my goals. I am an enthusiastic individual that can be relied upon to carry out the roles outlined, efficiently and professionally in a self-motivated manner. I would like to improve my ability to quickly put into words what I am thinking. I often dwell on my thoughts longer than time spent actually writing. 


Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon and discussing how we can build a healthy and dynamic team this semester.




Pooja Patel

301 Pooja Patel Application Letter

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