About Portfolios

This student portfolio project is part of a pilot for a Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) project titled “Educational and Career Outcomes for UBC Arts Students: Towards a New Paradigm.” This project is intended to help undergraduate students to collect and display their coursework in an online format. The portfolio project has a dual purpose: first to enable students to reflect on their learning in a systematic way, and second to help students develop professional identifies by creating a portfolio that can be shared with potential employers, collaborators, mentors, and other audiences. Students will create their portfolios on WordPress with a UBC blogs web address. Each student is responsible for creating, designing and maintaining their own WordPress portfolio. The purpose of this portfolio is to:

  • Create a dynamic archive of students’ academic materials and learning process that will be available to students both before and after graduation
  • Showcase student work and display it in a format that can be linked to via personal or professional websites
  • Reflect on students’ coursework experience
  • Record thoughts and observations on students’ knowledge and skills development

Portfolio assignments are structured to support the learning outcomes of the pilot courses and to provide students with tangible, presentation-ready evidence of the skills they learn in class. Student feedback on the utility and structure of the portfolio assignment will be solicited at the end of term. This project has the potential to be scaled up across other geography and Arts courses in subsequent years; student feedback is essential to this project.