Meeting Summary
January Portfolio CoP Meeting
Date: January 12th, 2011
Dr. Anne Scholefield facilitated an engaging presentation and discussion on her experience coordinating the ePortfolio program for the Teacher Education Office at the University of British Columbia. The lively discussion was wide-ranging and covered a number themes related to the implementation and development of ePortfolios including assessing ePortfolios, ePortfolio platforms and the implementation process.
Stay-tuned for the topic for the next Portfolio CoP meeting on February 8th from 10:30am to 12:00pm.
Teacher Education Office, ePortfolio Resources
Teacher Education Office, UBC, ePortfolio Support Site
Teacher Education Office, UBC, ePortfolio Examples
All the best,
Roselynn and Lucas
Join the Portfolio Community of Practice here:
Roselynn Verwoord, Community of Practice Developer, CTLT
Lucas Wright, Learning Technologist, CTLT