Strategies for the Job Market: Informational Interviews and Networking (Jan)

To view the video recording of this session:

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1) Informational Interviews and Networking

facilitated by Shagufta Pasta

Presentation and discussion with Shagufta Pasta from the Centre for Student Involvement and Careers. Shagufta discussed how to set up informational interviews, the value of these kinds of meetings and how they can help you expand your network.

Note: Shagufta regularly offers Drop-In Advising Sessions each Tuesday from 11 am – 1 pm, in the front foyer of the Centre for Student Involvement and Careers (Brock Hall, 1874 East Mall).

2) How to Write for your Portfolio

facilitated by Letitia Henville

1 – How to write about your learning activities

I suggest that you think about the impact that your work had—either on how you have learning and developed, or on a group of people you worked with or helped. Two ways to think about writing about your impact are to use the accomplishment statement formula or the STARR formula for behavioural interview questions:

If the only job you’ve had is something like working retail or serving in a restaurant, you can still include that in your portfolio! Talk about why and how you were great at your job, and the impact that your work had on yourself or on others. Here are two posts from the great blog “Ask a Manager” – in these posts, Allison Green is talking about how to write about what you’ve accomplished on a resume, but her advice also stands for a portfolio:

2 – How to edit your learning activities for the web
3 – Send me your URL!

I’d love to see how you’re progressing and am happy to provide individualized advice. You can reach me at

About Heidi

Visual artist, educator, researcher, and lifelong student...My current work involves exploring the relationships between these categories and the ongoing dialogue that emerges. Please visit my website ( to find out more about my work. Along with learning more about my art background, you can access writings and slideshows from recent conference presentations.

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