
Whenever I read articles such as the following (http://www.clb.org.hk/en/node/100253) I sometimes feel torn in my opinion of the matter. So, this article, in short is about workers being overworked in a multinational company called Huawei, in Shenzhen, China. The situation is upsetting because the company has, so far, had up to 38 suicide cases and many other workers go through depression because of the workload.

38 suicide cases are a lot. But, despite knowing these figures and the fact that the company is known for its tough work load and depression cases, uncountable people still apply to that company for a job. If people know about the situation (about the 38 suicide cases) then is it really that ethically wrong if people choose to come into the company despite knowing the circumstances?

This article brings into light the responsibilities of the company leaders towards their employers. Employers complaining about being overworked has been an issue in many companies throughout the world and when it comes to the extent of suicide, then it really makes you wonder where the ethics and basic human rights have disappeared to. Rather than enforcing a positive, lively working environment, the employers are being treated as robots.

The most shocking part of the article was when right after a suicide incident in Huawei, the workers just continued to eat lunch as if nothing new happened because to them, it really was nothing new.

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