“Fat tax?” Of course it’s Denmark

Article taken from: BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-15137948

So Denmark is implementing a “fat tax” now? Why am I not surprised?

I moved to Denmark when I was 5 years old and lived there for almost 14 years before moving here for university this year. Denmark has very high taxes but the system there is very different other countries. When the Danish people were asked to vote if they wanted to lower the taxes (but then that would naturally mean cutting down on funds for public schools and medical care), they said NO. Foreigners always find taxes in Denmark TOO high but Danish people are perfectly happy with them.

I am somewhat undecided on my opinion over this matter however, in some ways this “fat tax” might be taking it a bit too far. Yes, I definitely see the advantages and its implementation could have very positive effects, but won’t its negative effect on the poor people be greater than its advantages? The article also mentioned that Danes might just start shipping these “fat products” from abroad.

Although one could argue that there is not much poverty in Denmark which in turn is because of the high taxes that the government uses to help support those in need.

I guess we will just have to wait out and see. Maybe Denmark will surprise us with positive results.

Oh Denmark, I miss you!

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