Wang Zhongjun and Joel Primus

Article taken from: BBC:

Wang Zhongjun wanted to start an advertising company but since he did not have any capital, he and his brother decided to invest their funds to start the business off. He started with advertising and over the years, once he had established his advertising company, he expanded into the film industry. Now their business has grown and become a well recognized “Chinese blockbuster” company.

This reminds me of the entrepreneur, Joel Primus who spoke to us about his experiences on November 10, 2011. He went through a lot of obstacles to reach where he is now. He has started a company called NaKed.

Though Wang Zhongjun and Joel Primus have started very different types of companies in very different places (Wang Zhongjun in China and Joel Primus in Canada), there striking similarity between the two is that they really believe in the product they are selling. Both were rejected countless times but because they loved their product, they were slowly able to change the opinions of the rest of world to accept their product.

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