The power of a good Advertisement!

Hello World,

I came across this brilliant ad a few months back in India and wanted to share it with you guys. Coca-Cola is one such company that does not focus just on its products in advertisements. They try and focus on larger issues and then leave an impact on the consumers minds which in my opinion is the best thing to do in todays competitive environment, get the brand name fixed in consumers mind.

In the following ad, they highlight an important issue of tension between India and Pakistan which has been going on for years. Through this not only are they trying to bring the people of the respective countries together but also portraying about how Coca-Cola cares not only for its products but for larger issues too. For any company to be successful in todays times, it is important for it to be socially responsible and aware, Coca-Cola does this extremely well with such campaigns.

This Advertisement is a must watch!

Business Ethics

Ethics are those moral guidelines that businesses in today’s world should follow before taking any decision. In the 21st century, it is really important for any business to be ethical as the consumers are becoming more aware and do think of a company’s actions before purchasing any product.

The question that arises in most managers’ minds is to what extent should businesses take ethics into consideration when making decisions? In today’s world there is enough evidence that most companies are considering the ethical dimension of their actions and not just the impact it has on their profits. In my opinion, being ethical will help a business survive in today’s competitive environment where the buyer is aware of a businesses social responsibility.


Coca-Cola is one company that has always been brought up when it comes to ethics. Their products have been questioned and so has their marketing technique. They were accused of making a unhealthy product and then marketing it widely. In my opinion, this is totally wrong. Coca-Cola is one company that is socially aware of its actions and also does not use aggressive marketing strategies to sell their product. Recently they came up with an advertisement that told the people that drinking a lot of coke is a threat to ones health. Their marketing strategies do not focus directly on their product but on different aspects like happiness, peace between India and Pakistan, recycling and spreading joy.

This is one their ways of marketing.


I have also posted a link to their advertisement below where they talk about the health risks of drinking coke:

Reference for Image:

Hello world!

Hello World,

My name is Pranav Malhotra and I have come to UBC all the way from Bombay, India.

Just a short introduction, so that you guys can know me better. I completed the IB Diploma programme in Bombay itself and then decided to join the Sauder School Of Business as i thought the opportunities one gets in UBC and Vancouver are just tremendous. I love playing different kind of sports and love doing adventurous stuff like jumping from a cliff with no protective gear! I guess I’m an adrenaline junkie.

I’m fortunate enough to be at such a great school and I hope I’ll be able to utilise this opportunity well. Excited to meet you guys!