The power of a good Advertisement!

Hello World,

I came across this brilliant ad a few months back in India and wanted to share it with you guys. Coca-Cola is one such company that does not focus just on its products in advertisements. They try and focus on larger issues and then leave an impact on the consumers minds which in my opinion is the best thing to do in todays competitive environment, get the brand name fixed in consumers mind.

In the following ad, they highlight an important issue of tension between India and Pakistan which has been going on for years. Through this not only are they trying to bring the people of the respective countries together but also portraying about how Coca-Cola cares not only for its products but for larger issues too. For any company to be successful in todays times, it is important for it to be socially responsible and aware, Coca-Cola does this extremely well with such campaigns.

This Advertisement is a must watch!

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