Google going the right way!

In today’s world, a business doesn’t have to focus just on its products, a lot of other things are taken into consideration by buyers, and one of the biggest factors is Corporate Social Responsibility.

CSR can be undertaken in various ways, through awareness campaigns, ethical practices, helping NGOs, raising awareness about social issues and the list goes on.

Recently I have been reading a lot of positive articles about Google. They have invested $80 million in six solar facilities in California and Arizona. These plants can power up to 17000 homes in the United States. Overall Google has pumped in more than $1 billion in clean energy projects. This is a huge positive marketing strategy for Google as everyone is making environmentally aware.

In India, Google recently released an advertisement that has taken the whole sub-continent by surprise. This ad concentrated on their search engine but in a really unique way. It showcased the value of the search engine by relating two countries that are similar but are also enemies- India and Pakistan. It tried bringing the people of both the nations together and at the same time showed the value of Google.

Google is indeed following the right path in running a successful business and has an even brighter future.





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