The Business of Sports.

With reference to Sid Mookerjee’s blog post on football and business, I would like to share my view on football as a business.


Sid talks about the team having chemistry and work ethics which is also required by any business to do well, the employees have to work well together to reach the business’ goal and the players need to work together to win the game.

Human Resource Management is vital in any business. The business needs to have the right people working on the right job to produced the desired outcomes, and a team needs to have the right players at the right position to win a game.


Manchester United are also listed on the stock exchange and generate huge amounts of profit, that perhaps only huge businesses can reach. The club has recorded record revenues of £363 million in the past year and made a net profit of £146 million.


Not just football, all major sports do resemble a business, be it cricket, tennis, golf, ice-hockey, etc. The only thing that concerns me is whether sports will soon lose the spirit of the game and be played only because of the money.

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